

The assessment of an individual to determine the nature and extent of his/her abuse, misuse and/or addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs. Assessment services consist of time limited, structured, face-to-face sessions. Face-to-face assessment sessions can include family members, legal guardians and/or significant others when the intended outcome of sessions is to learn about the nature and extent of a client's alcohol and/or drug problem. 

An assessment provided by a counselor at H.O.P.E. Counseling will include the following information:

  • Presenting problem(s) and/or precipitating factors leading to the need for an assessment
  • History of alcohol and other drug use by the client and family members and/or significant others
  • Current over-the-counter and prescription medications being used
  • History of treatment for alcohol and other drug abuse
  • Medical history
  • Allergies to include food and drug reactions
  • Employment history
  • Educational history
  • Legal history to include pending charges and parole/probation status
  • Mental status screen including but not limited to, appearance, attitude, motor activity, affect, mood, speech and thought content
  • Psychiatric history
  • Family history
  • Sexual history
  • Religion/spiritual orientation
  • Strengths/assets
  • Weaknesses/limitations
  • Degree of severity for the following dimensions: intoxication and withdrawal potential, biomedical conditions and complications, emotional/behavioral/cognitive conditions and complications, treatment acceptance/resistance, relapse potential, and recovery environment
  • Recommendations for treatment

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